Friday, 17 February 2012

Google Currents iPad 2 Review

Google Currents iPad 2 Review - This week Google launched an application for both iOS and Android by the name of Google Currents, made to turn users’ internet news source reading experiences on their mobile devices into something beyond enjoyable, something easy to manage too – what we’ve got for you here is a closer look at the iPad version of this application. What you’ll find different about this app compared to the rest is scale and applicability – there are some limits to being on an iOS device running a Google-made application, but they are few. Instead what we’ve got here is a lovely bit of organization making the reading of even the most aesthetically displeasing blogs a sight to behold.

The first thing you’ll be bound to notice is that this application is made to look just as nice one way or the other. That is, if you’ve got a tablet that you want to set up on its landscape side for most of your reading, but then want to bring it with you on the bus and want to hold it more like a portrait-style book, you’ll have no worries, as the flipping is both without delay and smooth as butter. This application begins on your home screen where you’ll see one ever-turning page of news stories, one by one, and the other side full of icons for sources you yourself add in.

You’ll find that each source leads to a page that’s either just full of news stories or has a selection of portals leading to different bits of content. If you have SlashGear on your homepage, for example, and head on in, you’ll see News Stories (from our main feed), YouTube videos, Columns, and more. YouTube is fully integrated with Currents, playing straight from a news story without a problem, and if you’ve got a portal to your YouTube Channel, you get an array of videos that can, if you want, play all at the same time – though that’d be rather loud if you ask me.
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